Monday 25 August 2008

#1 Jane Lim Sze Ye.

My character sketch chain post start with her... randomly. Jane is her name, meaning God is merciful in Hebrew, a great name. We were colleague when I sold my soul to Italiannies back then. Time flies, before I know is already Christmas time, and I sort of got attracted by her friend, so I tried to stalked things from her, to know them better, gossip, chill out, share food, she couldn't stand me for pronouncing fragrance as frag.rance bla bla bla... Spare the details, I think we have become close friends along the way, didn't we?

We used to hang out a lot, like almost every week, yes? And of course, with the company of XiaoJing. I forgot what is it called in English, but our positions will always be maintained in a segitiga bersama sisi, says it created an equalization so that we won't go beyond friendship. Physics, you know? Sound pretty ridiculous, but you should listen to our theory, it make some sense though. As usual, the chill out place dropped at Jane's house, we watch movies, laugh at the same old jokes, or rather chit-chat all night long, the topics can go really far and random... Not forgetting Mid Valley, night market, souled-out cafe, mamak, and delicious. That's remarkable! Well, it was the past...

For one thing, I thank God for her. Because other than my church friends, she is one of the very few christian friends that I have in my social network. I must say Christians always make a difference! We used to have our devotions at her house every once in a while, we make it a habit to say grace whenever we are about to eat, we prayed for each other needs, remind and shared God's principles conversationally and it often inspired and made an impact to us. Frankly, I am blessed. It makes me feel healthy.

Just like me, she feels happier with good food around. Who doesn't right? She is a typical carnivore, twice she requested my fried chicken skin while I thought of keeping the best for the last. But I gave her anyway, she worth more than a piece of fried chicken skin la! Look at her face, how could I say no? She adores animals too, dogs to be precise. I got freak out all the time when she starts taking to Mimi, her beloved dog. Very cartoon!

When I was having exam, she helped me by giving tuition on math. For your information, I suck and slow when anything comes with calculation. She lectured me so patiently and I was expected to remember every single formula on the next lesson. Because if I don't, I gonna be so broken and she guarantee will scares the hell out of me. That seriously makes her a good teacher, I like. And I appreciate that. X= -b+-Square root b2-4ac over 2a correct? xp

Remember the saying of friend for reason, season, and a lifetime thing? I don't buy that actually, I try not to grade them before I know what is happening. Sound like they are disposable after some time. I don't like it in that term. One day, I would like to introduce you to my grandsons or daughters. Tell them about your stories. I don't know, but I guess that would be interesting.

She is a great friend, not good but great. Genuine, passionate, trustworthy... this imperfect world need people like you to balance up a little. It has been my pleasure to make friends with you, thank you for everything. You are only 18, the best and most precious moment in your life, youth is priceless man. Live how God wants you to live, and I think seek His kingdom first is very important, I am learning, you should too!

Trust me I got way more to write, some uncensored one too... But that's enough for the day, this is just a token of my appreciation to you, hope you like it!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Happiness only real when being shared.

How true...

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Disordered Jianz

  1. You gotta feed him 3 times on weekdays, 2 times extra on weekends.
  2. He expect people to tell him that he lost weight, not the other way round.
    2.1- Try avoid topic such as "Hey look, I got a pimple on my face!". Ya I know he is acting like a girl but it's very sensitive to him...
  3. Photography is his thing but he need inspiration.
  4. He is perfectly fine for being single.
  5. He is going to be the sweetest person to you if you can spend him Zara checked pants, Levi's jeans, Jogoya VIP card, settle his debt, 3 tanks of gasoline per month, think of a way to fill up those holes on his face, and open a fix deposit account for him.
  6. For his ego sake, stay quiet when he lost his way sometimes.
  7. He is not very holy, he know that very well.
  8. He wanted to play Bongo & Conga since he was a boy.
  9. He hope he can kick Badawi ass at least once in his life.
  10. Negative. Statement #4 is false statement. Confirm.